The brainstorming fair on Feb. 13 was a great way to get the community dreaming about what they want for the “new” park. About 50 neighbours of all ages showed up and wrote and drew pictures in answer to our open questions about what they loved about the park and what they wanted to change. People imagined a perfect day in the park and got to think about childhood play. We took the words and drawings and attached them to green balloons, creating a floating forest of dreams that was anchored to the Fairley Taxi. Mindy made portraits of neighbours with their ideas. People commented how good it was to get together in the dead of winter, and it seems that everyone is looking forward to enjoying an improved park. Not this summer, but as soon as we can get there!
We also had 35 responses to the online survey version of the brainstorming questions. The steering committee is now hard at work turning the community’s vision into a design brief, so that we can work with the City to select a park designer and really get things underway.
Here are some more pictures of the brainstorming fair, thanks to Mindy.